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Transdisciplinary research that covers topics of public health, oral health and sustainability.


Public health, physical activity, communication and sustainability

See below for a summary of recent research projects that I have worked on.

Academic publications


  1. Tench, R. and Bridge, G. (2022) The good, the bad and the ugly Learning lessons from the UK's COVID-19 communication. Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis. (Book chapter) https://doi.10.4324/9781003184669-15

  2. Bridge, G. (2022) Risk of Food Insecurity and Cardiometabolic Health—What Can Be Done? The Journal of Nutrition.

  3. Bridge, G., Groisman, S. & Bedi, R (2022). Sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in Brazil: past, present, and future. J Public Health Pol.

  4. Day, R.E., Bridge, G., Austin, K. et al. (2022) Parents’ awareness and perceptions of the Change4Life 100 cal snack campaign, and perceived impact on snack consumption by children under 11 years. BMC Public Health 22, 1012.

  5. Brown, G.W., Bridge, G., Martini, J. et al. (2022) The role of health systems for health security: a scoping review revealing the need for improved conceptual and practical linkages. Global Health 18, 51.



  1. Bridge, G., Fawkes, J., and Tench, R. Between a rock and a hard place: publishing issues in public relations and communication management. Journal of Communication Management. doi/10.1108/JCOM-11-2020-0152 

  2. Topic, M., Bridge, G., and Tench, R. (2021). Mirroring the zeitgeist: an analysis of CSR policies in the UK's food, soft drink and packaging industries. Journal of Global Responsibility.

  3. Bridge, G (2021). Exploring perceptions of E-micromobilities amongst staff and students in Yorkshire. Active Travel Studies. 10.16997/ats.1164

  4. Bridge, G (2021). Consider the Whole Picture When Discussing Infant Formula and Breast Milk. Journal of Nutrition.

  5. Bridge, G. Lomazzi, M., Adi Santos, C., and Bedi, R. (2021). Analysis of the labelling of a sample of commercial foods for infants and young children in 13 countries. Journal of Public Health Policy.

  6. Armstrong, B., Reynolds, C., Bridge, G., Oakden, L., Wang, C., Panzone. L., Schmidt, X., Kause. A., Ffoulkes, C., Krawczyk, C., Miller, G., and Serjeant, S. (2021). How Does Citizen Science Compare to Online Survey Panels? A Comparison of Food Knowledge and Perceptions Between the Zooniverse, Prolific and Qualtrics UK Panels. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4. DOI=10.3389/fsufs.2020.575021 

  7. Bridge, G., Armstrong, B., Reynolds, C., Wang, C., Schmidt, X., Kause, A., Ffoulkes, C., Krawczyk, C., Miller, G., Serjeant, S. and Oakden, L. (2021). Engaging citizens in sustainability research: comparing survey recruitment and responses between Facebook, Twitter and qualtrics. British Food Journal.

  8. Nurelhuda N., Lee H., Bridge G. (2021) Oral Health in the Arab World: The Silent Epidemic of Dental Caries. In: Laher I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham.



  1. Topic, M., Bridge, G., and Tench R. (2020) Mirroring the Zeitgeist: An Analysis of CSR Policies in the UK’s Food, Soft Drink and Packaging Industries. Journal of Global Responsibility

  2. Bridge, G., Flint, S., and Tench, R. (2020) An exploration of the portrayal of the UK soft drinks industry levy in UK national newspapers. Public Health Nutrition. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980020000208

  3. Armstrong, B., Bridge, G. Oakden, L., et al. (2020) Piloting citizen science methods to measure perceptions of carbon footprint and energy content of food. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.        DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.00120

  4. Bridge, G. Lomazzi, M. and Bedi, R. (2020) Revenue allocation from SSB taxes: making the case for oral health promotion. International Dental Journal. DOI: 10.1111/idj.12543

  5. Bridge, G. Lomazzi, M. and Bedi, R (2020) Implementation of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in low-and middle-income countries: Recommendations for policymakers. Journal of Public Health Policy. DOI: 10.1057/s41271-019-00196-z 

  6. Bridge, G. Lomazzi, M. and Bedi, R. (2020) A cross-country exploratory study to investigate the labelling, energy, carbohydrate and sugar content of formula milk products marketed for infants. British Dental Journal.  DOI: 10.1038/s41415-020-1252-0



  1. Bridge, G. Willis, T. Evans, C. Roberts, K. and Rudolf, M. (2019) The impact of HENRY on parenting and family lifestyle: Exploratory analysis of the mechanisms for change. Child: Care, Health and Development DOI: 10.1111/cch.12694

  2. Bridge, G. Lomazzi, M. Bedi, R. (2019) A call to action: advocating for the integration of oral health promotion and public health via sugar-sweetened beverage taxation. British Dental Journal. DOI: 10.1038/s41415-019-0841-2

Selection of outputs
Reducing sugar consumption through policy change


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