Located in Trinity Kitchen in Trinity shopping center, Leeds, Rola Wala is an incredible Indian street food eatery serving superbly balanced, richly flavoured dishes suitable for vegetarians and meat lovers alike.
We arrived at Rola Wala and were instantly enthralled by the colourful serving area. Mountains of fresh salad, steamy meats, and a stack of naan breads to make your eyes pop. Even better was the passion oozing out of the staff. Every question we had was answered, and they all did their best to help us get the best photos possible because they wanted to make sure that Leeds knows how great Rola Wala is!

Trying to decide what to eat was tough! Thankfully the lovely Rola Wala staff were more than happy to help. They suggested we try a couple of naan wraps, and a vegan cauli bowl - and we are so glad they did! Just check out this tray of goodness ...

Nagaland lamb and paneer wrap with fresh salad, spicy sauce and corriander. The lamb was slow cooked in a Portuguese style (taking Vindaloo back to its roots), and was combined with veggies. The meat was super tender, and well spiced. The naan was incredible- soft, full bodied, and an excellent support to the rest of the dish. The yogurt dressing helped to soothe the spice. Rolling the wrap tightly made sure that all of the filling was help together, and therefore each bite was equally delicious.

Our vegan dish for today was the cauli bowl with red dhal (which was one of Rola Walas first ever dishes). The dhal was heavily spiced, with seven unique spices combined - including cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, Kashmiri chilli. This combination of flavours, and the soft lentils meant that the cauli bowl was comforting and warm. We loved the contrast of the dhal with the fresh salads, and the crunchy noodle topping. We also had paneer in our bowl- which cooled the spices, and added some extra texture. This bowl is fab for those on low carb, or low cal diets since it is under 300 cals, and super filling! We didn't miss rice at all.

Grab some Rola Wala grub for yourself at Trinity Kitchen. They are open everyday from 11am - so there really is no excuse to experience this incredible cuisine. When you go, let us know what you pick- and what you think! We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Also, post your pics on Instagram with the #LeedsFoodGuide so that we can see what Rola Wala delights you select!